James walking video
Here's the video of James walking. There's nothing more grating than hearing your own baby-talking voice on video, so I hope you appreciate the sacrifice my dignity is making on this one.
Make sure you stick around for "the helicopter" toward the end of the video. Also, notice that Bones, our dog, is at the window watching most of this. Watching, always watching...secretly...and plotting.......
Officially: we're in trouble
James started walking Sunday. It's really cool, but a little concerning as well. He had taken steps before, one or two steps to a piece of furniture, but when it came to walking, he hesitated and would not do it. He would consider it, then sit down. Sunday, he overcame that, for whatever reason. He took steps from one place to another without any coaxing. He walked around for about 20 minutes, even a 15 feet stretch at one point. It was really amazing to watch. Yesterday, during the day, Bets says he walked a lot more. Of course, he's no Jefferson Pérez. He still falls a lot and we have to walk with him to catch him if he falls the wrong way, but I'm sure he'll get better quickly now that he can practice. I took a video of this, and I'll post it in the next day or so.
James Picture Clearance - Every Pic Must Go!