Monday morning pick-me-up
Sometimes, I need a little humor to help me get through the day. Here's something I ran across today that made me laugh.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds sung by a young William Shatner - who is obviously either on something or heavily influenced by the beat poet movement.
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds sung by a young William Shatner - who is obviously either on something or heavily influenced by the beat poet movement.
LOL! Wow, that really made my day. Thanks man!
Do you take requests? How about the Star Wars Song by Lenard Nemoy?
Jon Roberts, at 1:15 PM
Mama G. here~ Much as I am an old "Trekkie fan" ( and I most definitely fall into that category), that about sums up my opinion of Captain Kirk's acting capabilities throughout the whole series. Imho, it was the plots that carried those shows. That and Spock!
Live long and prosper!
Anonymous, at 5:22 AM
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