The Gravley Life

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Flying Sonic Rodent Hombre

I don't get out to see movies very often, but when I do, the rule of thumb is that I enjoy the movie but am ulitmately disappointed with the way I spent my money. However, the latest cinematic viewing for the Gravleys (Dan, Bets, and I) was Batman Returns, the story of the how Batman came to be the superhero. - on a side note - there are some that argue that Batman (seen below as a wee little one) is not actually a superhero, since he doesn't have any "superpowers".

Alrighty, well, allow me to check The Refence for All Things Super or Otherwise says here (and by here, I mean nowhere) that having the ability to have a great movie after the 3 terrible sequels is super. But I digress.

Batman Returns is a fantastic movie that strikes an uncanny balance between action and emotional development. I won't ramble except to say that I strongly recommend you treat yourself to a truly enjoyable movie. It's the Batman movie all of the others should have been, including the first one (which was good).

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Bang! ...and from two there are three! Wonderful news from my long-time Gravley honorary brother, Adam.

Hi, everyone -
I wanted to share some fabulous news - 9lbs, 12oz of it,
actually. ^_^
Meet my new nephew, Tolkien Ray Perry, born Monday, June 27th,
2005. Here he is with his very proud papa, Tyler:

Congratulations, Amanda, Tyler, and the rest of the Browne family. That baby's beautiful somethin' fierce.

Friday, June 24, 2005

The Seven and Three Twenty Firsts Blood Prince

Annually, or rather Harry-Potter-new-book-release-ally, I get together with Bets and Dan to stalk out the local mega-bookchain until midnight on the night before the release date. Last time we grabbed some food and beverage beforehand as well.

As you may know, the Harry Potter book is being released soon. The release date is Saturday July 16th, which puts our little camp out on Friday the 15th. We'll probably go to the Barnes and Noble in Eagan.

Please join us*! Here's a picture I took from my cell phone from last time we did this.

*Neither I nor anybody connected to gravley.blogspot is liable for damages to your reputation.

Friday, June 17, 2005


Another day, another dollar, but from a different company.

My first week at Priority Courier went well. I've really enjoyed it because I've been working with fun and new technology, the people are great, and I'm really busy (hence the lack of posts here this week).

I'm just passing through here tonight. I'll write a more substacial update later this weekend.

Have a rockin' weekend!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Secret Ops: Status Report #1

Status Report #1

Under the guise of normal life, Steve and Betsy Gravley continue to suppliment and nurture their strange fetal creation. It's only a matter of months before the entity escapes it's prison wreaking havoc upon the human race.

We have recently discovered the following bits of information:

  • The beings sex will be determined as soon as possible to help facilitate better decisions in future purchases and because they don't seem want to hold out until the end.
  • The name has yet to be chosen, but definately will not be Wilma, Punchy, or any name whose initials are JP.
  • The host's body has ceased to react negatively to the surge in hormones. This seems to have had a positive effect on the quality of their lives.
  • The hosts received news that all test from their doctor's visit were good/fine/dandy.

Information is slow at this point, but we suspect we have less than 6 months to prepare for its arrival. The arrival date is estimated at December 8th, which is also the mother's Birthday. God help us all.

--end of file--

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Two Men in Coats

Every once in awhile I run across something on the web that makes me laugh in earnest. The most appropriate way to describe the act linked below is zany or perhaps whimsical, but most of all, the sincerity of these performers is heartening.

Thanks to my Mom for the heads up on this one.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Our Traveling Fortress

The ad read:

From uptown to downtown, you'll be loved by many in this luxurious van sporting the latest in Pimp-chic styling! Men will want to be you, and women will want to be with you while you host indoor mobile cocktail parties with this elegant roof extender. Daniel-san won't be able to wax on or wax off because of the hotness emanating from the flames brandishing the sides of this sophisticated ride. Don't hesitate, get this while you still have time. It's only a matter of hours before someone else's life is upgraded to the exclusive and upper echelon of Pimp-chic.

"Surely, this is the perfect utility vehicle to safely transport our first-born child," I said to Bets as she reached for the Idiot-stick I've come to fear so greatly.

It was clear she disagreed with my recommendation.

And so it came to pass that we purchased a milder alternative, a Dodge Grand Caravan Sport. That's right, we purchased another sports car adding to our current collection; one Ford Escort SportsWagon (it's red, like a race car). The Dodge is a brand new looking deep blue 2002 with 39,000 miles. It has a modest but healthy option package and is a joy to drive. Bets and I couldn't be happier with the new addition to our vehicular family.

Here is a link to
our van for your curiosity (though this isn't my actual van). In addition to this listing, we have a tow package installed. If you live in the Twin Cities area, feel free to stop by to say hello if you would like to go for a quick joy ride.

Secretly, I've always wanted a minivan. Now that my dream has come true, and I have revealed my secret, you can all judge me silently for enjoying my kid-car a little too much. All that is left now is to name it...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Making time for Portuguese

Life for Bets and me lately is best described as controlled turbulance considering all of the changes we are going through. One of more significant changes in our life is my job change. I will be thowing in the reigns at PDI and moving onto Priority Courier Experts/VanEx on the 13th of June.

The quick and dirty description of my new job is that I'm running the IT show for the largest courier company in the Twin Cities. The official description is found by
going to the monster job description which gives you a very accurate picture of my job functions. You can also click on the VanEx logo to visit the company's website.

What was my catalyst for change? There were two central motivating factors. First, with a baby on the way, I was looking for some more green. It's not the most noble of reasons, but powerful nonetheless. Secondly, and more importantly, my role at PDI had become stagnant and I was losing more and more of my technical skills as time passed. The framework of my new role will allow me to rejuvinate my skillset and venture into new technologies at an exciting rate.

The biggest down side of this new role is that I have a 30-40 commute each way, but I can manage that. Perhaps, I'll take up my Portuguese tapes once again.

Onde fica o hotel California? Eu nao se!
(Where is the hotel California? I don't know!)